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Virtual talk with author In Koli Jean Bofane

The Institut français d’Ecosse, the University of Edinburgh and the Institut français du Royaume-Uni were delighted to welcome the celebrated Congolese author In Koli Jean Bofane for an online talk, with the participation of Debora Kayembe, Rector of the University of Edinburgh. Missed the talk? You can watch it here on replay!

Recipient of multiple awards including Grand Prix littéraire de l’Afrique Noire, his novels, translated in multiple languages, blend humour with horror and explore the neo-colonial stakes facing African countries, especially RDC, with Kinshasa, its vitality, its music, a recurrent character. Globalization, colonial debt, corruption, memory, and violence all figure prominently in his novels.

Conversation with Edouard Notte, Teaching Fellow in French and Francophone Studies, co-director of Le Centre de Recherches Francophones Belges, University of Edinburgh.

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